In the fixed terms animals were withdrawn from the experiment for the estimating the macroscopic
changes, and also for the intake of material for histological researches. Euthanasia was carried out according to
the Provisions of ISO 10993-2 under the general anesthesia. During the experiment a macroscopic estimation of
changes in an abdominal cavity was analyzed at the dissection of animals after euthanasia. For the getting
ready the morphological preparations the tissue of liver was excised and fixed in 10% solution of neutral
formalin. After expiration of the fixing terms bioptate was inundated by paraffin. Paraffin blocks had been
manufactured. Series of sections with a thickness of three-four µm were made. Histological preparations were
painted by hematoxylin-eosin.
For the estimating the histological changes in liver, a system of points was employed in accordance with
Russian national standard ISO 10993-6-2011 where the parameters of semi-quantitative estimation of the
number and distribution of cells characterizing the inflammatory process such as polymorphonuclear
neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasmatic cells, macrophages, eosinophiles and multinuclear cells were taken into
account. At the microscopy, the dynamics of the inflammatory reaction’s development, features of the liver’s
parenchyma regeneration as well as the degree of the investigated implant’s destruction, were estimated.
Ethical approval
The review board and ethics committee of RSCS named after acad. V.Vakhidov approved the study
protocol and informed consents were taken from all the participants. Experimental studies had been
undertaken with the observance of the rules accepted by the European convention for the protection of
vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (ETS N 123), Strasbourg, 18.03.1986.
Statistical analysis
The obtained results were subjected to the statistical processing with the using the standard package of
Microsoft Excel 2010software by the method of variation statistics with the estimation of indexes’ values (M±m)
It was set by researches that adhesion required for medical aims had to provide the dense adherence of pellicle
to the wound surface that conditioned an instantaneous hemostatic effect in the final outcome. An adhesion
power of pellicle coverage made up 7.3±0.2 N/cm2. Such a high adhesion of implant was related to its flexibility
and moderate hydrophilism that strengthens this effect in the aggregate.
At the estimating the breaking strength an attention was paid to the ability of implant to hold the edges of
the wound surface that provides the effect of the strengthening the tissue. It was set from the data of
comparative researches that the worked out implant had a limit of the breaking strength within the limits of
390±4.8 kGf/cm² that fully satisfied the requirements to the implants of a similar origin.
In the polymer’s presence BCT on Lee-White test was shortened by as many as 2.1 times in regards of the
control that made up 2.4±0.6 min. The obtained results testified to the strengthening the process of the donor
blood’s coagulation in vitro in the presence of implant due to the activating the factors of an external and
internal way of the coagulation’s hemostasis.
The results of in vivo researches, showed that hemostasis had started after the applying the polymeric
coverage within a short time. A complete hemostasis was marked during 3-5 sec. After the supervision during
10 minutes the resumption of bleeding was not marked.
Subsequently, an activation of factors of the strengthening the hemopexis led to the forming the fibrinous
pellicle on the surface of the hepatic wound. Further observations on animals showed that in an hour after an
operation an implant had been preserved on the surface of liver as a white pellicle and had not been isolated
from a wound surface. Bleeding signs were not marked. An abdominal cavity remained intact. In subsequent
terms a substitution of pellicle coverage for fibrin without a considerable inflammatory reaction had been
marked. It was paid attention to the absence of the expressed accretions in the place of the hemostatic coverage
The result of dissection in 3 hours after an implantation showed that there was not free liquid in the
abdominal cavity, a renewal of bleeding had not been marked, fibrin pellicle was in the area of the wound. At the
microscopic research it was marked an inflammatory process which was characterized in visual field by a
presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils – 18.1±0.6, lymphocytes – 14.3±0.8, plasmatic cells – 4.4±0.4,
macrophages – 2.5±0.2. The pellicle fitted closely to the hepatic tissue covering the zones with signs of the
To cite this paper: Sadykov RA, Ismailov BA, and Valerevna KO. 2019. New hemostatic preparation made of the cellulose derivatives. J. Life Sci. Biomed. 9(1): 19-